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Sunday, January 8, 2012

Cybersix Volume 1 (END)

Well folks here we have the last two chapters Cybersix Volume 1. It took a fair bit longer than initially anticipated, but it is finally done.

Download Here

Individual links will be posted to the Cybersix page later, and a full download of Volume will be posted later as well.

I should be starting volume 2 soon.

EDIT: Full Volume 1 Download

EDIT: New links on the Cybersix page for downloading.


  1. I have good skans of Cybersix - El libro de la Bestia and Meridiana Blues. ;)Are you interested in? Mail to remnanta@yandex.ru

  2. The government pulled the plug on megaupload ): so now I won't know how cybersix volume one ends! Just 'cause a site has some illegal stuff on it doesn't mean that EVERY thing is!
    Is there any other site/program that (we)can use?
    Thank you for all your hard work regardless!

  3. OMG thank you, didnt find this translation untill after megaupload went down, but now I can read it! :) I had given up on this series until i randomly decided to search for it again and landed straight here. :) Can't wait to read it, pleas keep it up for I am too lazy to learn French, and I get weird looks if I try watching dora the explorer. :P
